Android App Development
Application Design And Development For Android Dual Screen And Foldable Devices
Foldable devices are an emerging mobile form factor. Here we introduce you to the features and functionality of the Surface Duo foldable device, explore the device emulator and talk about how to adapt your existing apps to leverage the power…
Android App Development Tutorial for Beginners – Your First App
Let’s build our first Android app – a tip calculator! This video assumes NO prior experience with Android, and by the end you’ll have something an app you could publish. We’ll cover how to create the user interface with XML,…
Android Studio 2.0 Makes It Easier For App Developers
The Android Studio 2.0 is a long awaited upgrade, which promises plenty of speed and newly added productivity features.
Android App Development for Non-Developers
Have an idea for an Android app? Is your lack of knowledge in app development stopping you? Here is why you shouldn’t stop.
The Future is Bright for the World of Android App Development
The diverse variety of apps from third-party developers help to boost the functionality of the smartphone and it’s uses in business.